I’m pleased to be on the faculty of SCBWI-Southern California’s “2019 Spring Writer’s Retreat” for Middle Grade & Young Adult fiction at Tahquitz Pines in Idyllwild on April 12 – 14, 2019. I’m really looking forward to getting away, both as an editor (my role during the day for the writers I’ve been brought in for) […]
Get Ready to Read Across America!
On March 1, 2019, schools, libraries, and communities across America will celebrate literacy with the National Education Association’s Read Across America Day. Of course, reading isn’t a one-day thing. Read every day, everywhere–with books in cozy nooks, with phone apps while standing in lines, with audiobooks while driving, exercising, or doing chores. Parents, read to […]
Now I Want to Host a Silent Reading Party
So clever. Strangers gather in a comfy place to read in silence among fellow lovers of reading. But is it weird? The people who started this practice worried that it might be. But they threw the party anyway … and people came. And loved it! “Now we hear from people that they can’t fit reading time […]
More Than an Award List
So many fabulous books are published each year, but only a few can make the lists. So use the list as your key to fab book discovery. Type the award-winning book you love into online retailer sites, then look at the Other Customers Also Bought recs that come with it to find more great reads! […]
Editing Afield Means Happy Surprises
Sometimes I edit at home, but often I pack up my stuff and to go a nearby B&N cafe to work at a table there, surrounded by books. Some days I’ll pick a table by a window to catch a glimpse of the garden outside, but just as often I sit at a table alongside […]
Deborah’s Tip for Character Development on Fab “Cynsations” Blog
I’m honored to be a Guest Blogger on the amazing Cynsations blog today, with my post “Deborah Halverson on Viewing Narrative Beats as ‘Revelatory’ Beats in MG/YA Fiction.” There so much power and potential in those moments between lines of dialogue — the beats. I explore that in the guest post. Here’s a snippet: “Perhaps we […]
New Look for DearEditor.com
My website designer and I have been hard at work all summer on a little something fun: a fresh new look for DearEditor.com, my writers’ advice website. I unveiled the redesign today. Huzzah! It’s been a labor of love. This designer, Theresa, was the first person I told of my plans to create the […]
The Power of Books Teams Up with the Power of Love
No “blog post” today. I think this is more a “share post” because I’m going to let it speak for itself: The title of the Dec 2015 article I am quoting is “J.K. Rowling found out her books helped save this baby’s life. Her response was magic.” Below is an excerpt, but read the whole […]
Hanging with the Gang at SCBWI’s San Diego Chapter
Now that’s how you spend a Saturday afternoon! Today I was honored to hang out with 120 writers and illustrators of books for young readers. We talked all about the publishing business, from Big Picture happenings to the specifics of what we’re writing as individuals. And the best part: The supportiveness of this group’s members […]
My Mom Writes Books? Meh.
Recently, while my sons got their hair cut, I was flipping through my writing craft books, finalizing a presentation. My son picked up Writing Young Adult Fiction For Dummies. “You wrote this?” He asked. I nodded, a little puzzled. “Yeah?” he said. ” The whole thing? All by yourself?” Me nodding. “Wow.” He picked up […]
Hot Dogs, Fireworks, and BIG MOUTH
A human being just age 74 hot dogs—and buns—in ten minutes. Why? Because he could. That’s the challenge of competitive eating, to see how much of a food you can chow down, as fast as possible, mostly to beat the eaters lined up next to you but also because you thrive on the self-competition. This […]
Richard Peck, Ya Did Good
My very first speaking gig as a young editor, in front of 300 people in Texas, happened last minute as I filled in for a New York editor whose family understandably didn’t want her flying, being just weeks after the 9/11 horrors. I was nervous–this was the 1st speech I’d ever put together about editing […]
Free Sampler Featuring New Fiction
Did you know Publishers Lunch offers a free downloadable sampler with pre-publication excerpts from major authors and debut voices each publishing season? Anyone can download it and enjoy the samples. There’s a Buzz Books for commercial fiction, and another for Young Adult each season. The 2018 Fall/Winter edition just came out, but you can download […]
Writing Pals & Creative Karma
I’ve tried writing groups/meet-ups before, but for reasons that were never bad, those never worked out. This time: GOLD. I’ve been meeting the amazing Barrie Summy once a week for about a year now, writing across the table from her, and it’s THE BEST. We talk a bit, write a lot, and joke about each […]
Meet Me at the Annual SCBWI Summer Conference in L.A. Aug 3-6
I’m pleased to be presenting two sessions at the Society of Children’s Books Writers & Illustrators‘ Annual Summer Conference in L.A. August 3-6, 2018: “Up-to-the-Minute Market Report: Industry Updates, Submissions, and New Imprints” “Subplots & Subtext: How to Deepen and Energize Your MG/YA Fiction” I’ll also critique manuscripts one-on-one, which is something I particularly enjoy doing. Conference registration opens April 17th @10am PT. […]
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