It was my honor to edit the Purple Project’s picture book PENNY’S ADVENTURES IN SAN DIEGO. Sales benefit victims of domestic violence and abuse. For this book, thirteen San Diego County mayors and a deputy mayor each penned a chapter of a story about a kind-hearted purple butterfly named Penny visiting their respective cities and […]
My New Class for KidLit Writers!
I’m honored to have created a new class for Children’s Book Insider: “10 Things That Get Kidlit Manuscripts Rejected – and How to Avoid Them.” It will be 90 minutes of deep-digging writing tools for writers of picture books, chapter books, middle grade and young adult — fiction and nonfiction. I’ve got you all covered […]
Texting in Novels – It’s a Thing
The average American checks their phone 47 times a day. 23 billion text messages are sent each day worldwide. 98% of US smartphone users send text messages regularly. American smartphone owners aged 18-24 send around 2000 text in a month.* With texting behavior like that, texting is going to show up in our novels. But […]
Deborah to Offer a Digital Workshop for SCBWI (Free & Exclusive to SCBWI Members)
I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be presenting the fifth workshop in the Society of Children’s Books Writers & Illustrators’s second Digital Workshops series. The series is for current SCBWI members, and is free — an offering for members during this unusual summer of lockdown and creative challenge. My workshop will be “Submissions Studio: Writing […]
SCBWI Summer Spectacular Looks SPECTACULAR!
SCBWI (the Society of Children’s Book Authors & Illustrators) is going virtual with its annual summer conference — they’re calling it the Summer Spectacular and it is indeed spectacular! 10 keynotes with children lit luminaries, an agents panel, & an editors panel, plus nightly live twitter chat socials, an online member book sale, a meme […]
Reclaiming the Bound Book
I’ve recently been working to re-establish my long-abandoned habit of taking a physical book EVERYWHERE, even tucking it into my grocery bag to read while in the checkout line. Like many book lovers, as a kid I’d walk to school with an open book in my hands, never once tripping as I read. I imagined […]
My Article in SCBWI’s “The Bulletin”!
My article “2019: A Year in Review” has been published in SCBWI’s Winter 2020 edition of THE BULLETIN. That’s a biannual publication provided to members of the Society of Children’s Books Writers & Illustrators. The article is a children’s publishing industry overview, examining events and trends of 2019. I’m honored that SCBWI trusted me to sum […]
New Year, New Webinar!
I’m excited! SCBWI-Austin invited me to present a submissions webinar as we settle into the new year with resolutions and recommitment. It’s called “Writing Queries, Strategizing Submissions, and Interpreting Editorial Feedback“ The webinar will be for writers of all children’s book categories, for beginners as well as advanced writers looking to perfect their submission package and strategy. I’ll […]
Happy Holidays
As the New Year quickly comes upon us, I send my best wishes for a happy, healthy, and book-filled year. In the spirit of finding new stories to thrill and enlighten, I share the books my sons and I enjoyed this year. May you find some joy for yourself in this bounty. Food: A Love […]
Pitcher Sean Doolittle Pitching Literacy & Indie Bookstores
Sean Doolittle, closing pitcher for the Washington Nationals’ in their Game 1 World Series win yesterday, spent the season promoting youth reading and indie bookstores on his Twitter feed. What a fabulous way to use one’s platform — inspiring young (and grown-up!) fans to make reading a part of their daily lives. ??????? You can […]
Book Giveaway & Interview about Freelance Editing as a Career
I’m so pleased to share that the fabulous resource website for teen writers is GIVING AWAY a signed copy of my writing craft book WRITING YOUNG ADULT FICTION FOR DUMMIES to go with my in-depth interview about freelance editing as a career. You can read the interview and enter the giveaway at
Feeling Inspired Today
Today, some inspiration for fellow writers, and some insight for readers. In the spirit of “don’t just tell it, SHOW it”, here’s a quote from talented storyteller Neil Gaiman, which he said in his MasterClass: “I would much rather not tell you how to feel about something. I would rather you just felt it. . […]
Fireworks, Hot Dogs, and My Novel BIG MOUTH
It’s the Fourth of July. That means fireworks to celebrate U.S. independence, and the Mustard Belt to celebrate the winner of the Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest. And what a winner it was today: Joey Chestnut, now 12-time winner, just ate 71 hot dogs & buns in 10 minutes! My middle grade novel […]
Read Your WIP, Mrs. Halverson!
Last Saturday was Read Across America Day. The Friday before, I read to two classes of fourth graders. What a treat! Because I’m always in teaching mode, I started with a quick bit about how a book goes from a writer’s pencil to the paper, then gets feedback from an expert so the author can […]
A Doubter Decides to Cheer On
I tend to be skeptical of discovered manuscripts, wondering if the author just didn’t finish them or consciously deemed them not right for publication. Maybe the manuscript was tucked away for good reason, and the publication of it wasn’t what the author wanted, for her/himself or for their readers. But I am curious to read […]
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