It pays to talk frequently about one’s obsession with See’s chocolate. Tonight I came home from a meeting and several hours of writing to find a house of sleeping men and two packages awaiting me on the counter. The first package, a very big box, was from a writer who’d
suffered through my many monologues about heard me mention Milk Bordeaux and California Brittle a few times and wanted to express his thanks for my editing of his teen fantasy manuscript. Ripping open the box like a child on Christmas morning ????????Opening the box curiously, I peeked in. A two-pound “Gold Fancy” box from See’s Candies! Holy Milk Bordeaux, Batman! And in the package next to it was more gold: My advance copy of BIG MOUTH, the final bound book. What timing! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the publication of a book that celebrates food, in all its glory and excesses, than a two-pound box of chocolate heaven. Thanks, See’s Candies! Thanks, editor Krista! And thanks, from the bottom of my chocolate-coated heart, writer Steve.
And now, time to hunker down on my big green couch, in my quiet sleepy house, with a cozy blanket, my box of chocolate, and my second published novel. Celebration!
Congratulations Kid, you deserve all the chocolate that you can eat. Just don’t tell the boys and save a piece for me. Love you lots, Grandma S