I’m fascinated by how the creative process plays out, with a person following an idea through to final product—whether that product be a book or a sculpture or a piece of technology or whatever. It seems like magic to take a grain of an idea and render into some cohesive, tangible form . . . and yet people do it. So it’s not magic, it’s real. And it’s hard work. Of course, being a writer and editor, I get to talk about this with people who make books. Last year, I thought it would be fun to share some of those conversations—and the insights they revealed—with readers at DearEditor.com, so I created Revision Week, wherein I hosted seven authors and one agent/author for a week of interviews about the revision process. Readers loved it and encouraged me to do Revision Week every year.
And so I am.
Today is Day 1 of 2013 Revision Week, with Larry Dane Brimner, author of 150 books for young readers, kicking off the festivities. Click over to DearEditor.com today to see how he takes an idea and lays it out, then revises and revises and revises until its ready for bookshelves.