I’m having one of those odd but divine weeks where a lot of neat things seem to be happening at once, with me merely sitting on my couch receiving them. For instance, each time I open my email, there’s a message from someone with good news. Invitations to speak at upcoming events, possible inclusion in an anthology, contracts for things that have been talked about for a while. And I’ve had amazing packages show up entirely unexpectedly on my doorstep. Flowers. Audio books. Surprising but fun letters. And I’ve even gotten up off my couch and tried two totally brand new things that mostly scared me but which turned out to be darned awesome calls. (And only required fifteen new holes in my spare room’s walls.)
Oh, sure, there have been a few sour moments. But my computer comes equipped with a “delete” button, so those barely register. Why focus on the ickies if you don’t have to?
While I will wait to go into detail about these “neat things”—I do know the term “jinx”—I think it’s safe and probably quite prudent to cast a grateful word of thanks into the cosmos. I am indeed conscious and very appreciative of the good things coming my way.
“Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.” — G.B. Stern
Keep talking about all the good things happening to you and maybe it will pass my way. It seems tonight we lost a hat and one of my triplets is letting me know the bad word I occassionally let slip out of my mouth is now in his vocabulary. I keep asking honey, are you saying sit like sit down brother, but he only smiles and pronounces the H even more. Maybe I should try cursing in German so only some people might pick up on it.
And then you will have a bilingual cusser 😉